Project Report Preparation
A Project Report is a written document pertaining to any investment proposal. It contains relevant data, on the basis of which the project has been appraised and found relevant to the entrepreneur. A project Report is prepared by the expert after detailed study & analysis of the various aspects of a project. A project report is a document which provides you, and investors like banks, an overall picture of your proposed business. It allows you to work out all the different areas of your plan, so that you can identify and solve problems before they happen. When you prepare your Project Report, try to think of these points:
Technical feasibility
Economic viability
This combines all the technical areas of your business, and shows how they will work. Some points to include are the product specifications to be adopted, the availability of raw material, an outline of the manufacturing process, quality control measures, power supply, availability of water, transport facilities and communication network. These depend on the type of business you are setting up.